Content marketing tactics for small business that gets you noticed

Dominate Your Niche: 10 Content Marketing Tactics for Small Business

In this article, you will learn in detail how you can position your small business as an authority in your market segment, and create awareness and demand for your products or services with 10 content marketing tactics for small business.

Even with a limited budget and a small marketing team, with content marketing tactics for small business, it is totally possible to get noticed and even establish yourself as an authority in your niche.

Content marketing for small business is not a quick win, but a rather a long-term winning strategy that takes consistent effort, strategic planning, and continuous adaptation.

If you are determined to attain continual marketing success in the long run, let’s get started to explore how different content marketing tactics for small business can help you achieve your business objectives.

What is content marketing?

You know how when you’re on the internet, you come across all sorts of articles, blog posts, videos and social media posts that are designed to grab your attention? That’s what content marketing tactics are all about.

Content marketing is a type of marketing where companies create and share content that’s really helpful or interesting to people. The idea is to attract people who are interested in what the companies have to offer, and keep them coming back for more.

Ultimately, the goal is to use content marketing tactics to turn the audience into paying customers. If someone trusts and likes a company because of the marketing content it has been providing, they’re more likely to buy something from it in the future.

So that’s content marketing tactics in a nutshell. It’s all about creating content that’s useful and interesting to people, with the hope of turning them into loyal customers.

10 content marketing tactics for small business (with practical examples)

If you have a limited budget and human resources, you should start with no more than two content marketing tactics for small business, so you can stay focused and continue improving to get better results without breaking the bank. 

Content marketing tactics for small business can be in many different formats, but what’s important is that you have to make it valuable and relevant to the people who are consuming it.

Why? Well, it’s because you want to build a relationship with your audience. By providing helpful information or entertainment, you are showing that you care about your customers and want to help them out.

Remember – your goal is to build a loyal following and attract new customers to your business. Focus on creating high-quality marketing content that is tailored to resonate with your target audience while demonstrate your unique strengths in a specific niche.

1. Blogging

Blogging is one of the most cost-effective content marketing tactics for small businesses. It’s a type of content marketing where you create blog posts to share your brand value and information about your products or services to attract your target audience.

When you write blog posts that address your audience’s problems and provide solutions, you establish yourself as an expert in your industry. This helps build a connection with your audience and increases their loyalty to your brand.

As you address your target audience’s pain points and provide solutions in your blog, you showcase your knowledge and establish your brand as an authority in a specific niche. Showing that you understand your target audience’s problems and helping them improve their lives, you also build a solid connection with them to increase brand loyalty.

if you want to get even more people to discover your brand through Google searches, make sure to use relevant keywords in your bio posts for search engine optimization (SEO). This will help you show up higher in search result pages. 

Benefits of blogging 

  • Establishes your brand as an authority in your industry
  • Attracts new customers and retains existing ones
  • Improves your search engine rankings
  • Drives traffic to your website

Let’s look at some examples for inspiration:

Blogging ideas for landscaping companies

  • Lawn care 101: Tips for maintaining a healthy and vibrant lawn all year round.
  • Garden design trends: Explore the latest landscaping trends, from sustainable gardening to incorporating native plants.
  • Outdoor entertaining ideas: Share creative ideas and inspiration for designing outdoor spaces perfect for entertaining guests.
  • Seasonal gardening tips: Provide seasonal gardening advice, such as planting schedules, pruning techniques, and pest control methods.
  • Landscaping DIY projects: Offer step-by-step guides for DIY projects like building a garden pathway or creating a vertical garden.

Blogging ideas for real estate agents

  • First-time homebuyer mistakes: Educate first-time homebuyers about common pitfalls to avoid during the home buying process.
  • Neighborhood spotlights: Highlight different neighborhoods in your area, showcasing their unique features, amenities, and housing options.
  • Home staging tips: Provide guidance on how to stage a home effectively to attract potential buyers and maximize its appeal.
  • Financing options: Explain different financing options available to homebuyers, such as FHA loans, VA loans, or down payment assistance programs.
  • Local market trends: Share insights and analysis on the local real estate market, including price trends, inventory levels, and emerging neighborhoods.
Content marketing tactics for real estate agents

Read also: Maximize Your Sales Potential: Build an Ideal Client Profile Like a Pro

2. Case studies

Case studies is a powerful content marketing tactic you can use to provide real-life examples of how your products or services helped customers achieve their goals. By using case studies, you can build trust and credibility with your audience by showcasing how your products or services bring results.

Case studies are especially popular in the B2B space, but they can be effective for any type of business. If you want to showcase the true value of your brand, consider interviewing your happy customers and gathering detailed information about their experience. This will make your case studies even more compelling and relevant to other customers.

Benefits of case studies 

  • Demonstrates real-life examples of your products or services in action
  • Showcases your company’s success stories
  • Helps build trust and credibility with your audience
  • Can be used also as a powerful sales tool

As one of the very impactful content marketing tactics for small business, below are come case study ideas for inspiration:

Case study ideas for clothing brands

  • The story of a customer’s enhanced body positivity: How Clothing Brand A’s size-inclusive approach helping a customer find their perfect fit and style.
  • Collaboration with local artists: How Clothing Brand B resonated with a specific group of target customers by creating a unique fashion collection.
  • Helping new moms regain confidence: How Clothing brand C give new moms a transformation with new clothing line specifically designed for them.
  • Personalized styling service: How Clothings Brand D elevated fresh grads’ professional image by improving their wardrobe.

Case study ideas for business coaches

  • Secure funding for startup launch: How Business Coach X helped a struggling entrepreneur launch a thriving startup by developing a solid business plan.
  • Team transformation: How Business Coach Y turned a disengaged team into a high-performing unit through team-building strategies.
  • Productivity coaching: How Business Coach Z helped a business owner achieve a healthier work-life balance by streamlining operations.
Content marketing for business coaches

3. Checklists

Checklists are lists of relevant information or action items to help your target audience complete a certain process or activity. They are one of the easiest content marketing tactics for small business you can put together to help your customers and build a loyal following.

Checklists are a great way to establish your brand as an authority in your industry by demonstrating the knowledge you have in a specific area. Your audience will love them for their value, and they’re a great way to provide actionable tips and advice in a step-by-step guide format.

To make your checklist even more effective, be sure to use a clean design that makes it easy to read and follow. Your audience will appreciate the effort you put into making it look nice and easy to use.

Benefits of checklists 

  • Provides a concise and actionable guide on a specific topic
  • Provides value to your audience in an easily consumable format
  • Helps establish your brand as an authority in your industry
  • Can be easily shared and repurposed into other forms of content

As content marketing tactics for small business, below are some checklist ideas that you can steal:

Checklist ideas for home renovation project

  • Essential steps for preparing for a home renovation project
  • Kitchen/bathroom renovation checklist
  • Exterior home renovation checklist
  • Home renovation safety checklist

Checklist ideas for marketing agencies

  • Social media marketing checklist
  • Website launch checklist
  • Email marketing campaign checklist
  • Content marketing checklist
Content marketing campaign checklist with goal, plan and action

4. eBooks

eBooks are books in digital format that provide long-form content for your target audience to read on their phone, tablet, computer, or other electronic device. And the cool thing is, even if you don’t have a big brand name, by providing in-depth information on a specific topic, an eBooks can be one of your content marketing tactics for small business that use to establish an authority in your industry.

The key to making a great eBook is to pack it with loads of valuable information that will impress your target audience. You want them to feel like they got their money’s worth (if you’re charging for it) or that they gained valuable insights and knowledge (if you’re offering it for free). The last thing you want is for them to feel cheated and unfollow you or unsubscribe from your email list.

Benefits of eBooks 

  • Showcases your expertise in detail 
  • Adds value to your audience
  • Easy to share
  • Acts a lead magnet to build your email list

Below are some eBook ideas for inspiration:

eBooks ideas for business consultants

  • Ultimate Guide to Business Strategy: Exploring industry trends, competitive analysis, and effective strategies for sustainable growth.
  • The Art of Effective Communication in Business: Techniques, tips, and case studies on improving communication across organizational hierarchies.
  • Mastering Digital Marketing: A comprehensive eBook covering paid and organic digital marketing strategies to help businesses thrive.
  • Building a Strong Company Culture: Strategies for fostering a positive and productive work environment that increases employee engagement.
  • The Power of Data-Driven Decision Making: Exploring the benefits of data visualization techniques to make informed business decisions.

eBooks ideas for health and wellness coaches

  • A Beginner’s Guide to Holistic Health: Exploring the foundations of holistic wellness, from nutrition to mindfulness practices.
  • Transform Your Lifestyle: Practical steps and expert advice for achieving optimal health and well-being.
  • Mindfulness Meditation for Stress Relief: Mindfulness techniques, breathing exercises, and meditation practices to promote mental wellness.
  • Eating for Energy: A guide to understanding the importance of nourishing foods to boost energy levels and support overall vitality.
  • The Road to Fitness: A comprehensive guide to fitness fundamentals, workout routines, goal setting, and motivational strategies.
Content marketing for health and wellness coach

5. Email marketing

Email marketing has the highest conversion rate of any marketing channel. It is one of the most cost-effective content marketing tactics for small business that you can use to connect with customers on a more personal level.  

The great thing about email marketing is that you can provide value to your customers in a highly personalized format through email segmentation. This means you can tailor your emails to different groups of people based on their interests, behaviors, and preferences, increasing your chances of driving more traffic to your website.

To make sure your emails get noticed, use compelling subject lines and calls-to-action that will entice your customers to open and click through to your website. It’s a great way to establish a meaningful connection with your customers and drive more sales for your business.

Benefits of email marketing

  • Reaches your target audience directly
  • Provides content to your audience in a personalized format
  • Promotes your brand and drives traffic to your website
  • Shows up constantly in email to remind your audience about you 

Let’s look at some email marketing ideas below:

Email marketing ideas for language teachers

  • Word of the day
  • Language learning tips
  • Cultural insights
  • Grammar and language usage
  • Success stories and testimonials

Email marketing ideas for financial advisors

  • Market updates and insights
  • Financial planning tips
  • Retirement planning
  • Tax planning and guidance
  • Investment education
Content marketing ideas for financial services agents

6. Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing is a content marketing tactic that you can use to promote your products or services by collaborating with individuals who have a following on social media. And the best part is, it’s not just for big brands – small businesses can use it too!

While influencers with a big following can help increase your brand exposure, if your goal is to boost conversions, it’s often better to work with micro or nano influencers who have a smaller but more engaged audience. These influencers often have a more targeted following and a higher level of trust with their audience, which can lead to more conversions for your business.

Benefits of influencer marketing

  • Reaches new audiences and increases brand visibility
  • Taps into an influencer’s engaged audience
  • Provides influencer-generated content to promote your brand
  • Helps build trust with your audience 

Here are some influencer marketing ideas for your reference:

Influencer marketing ideas for fashion brands

  • Style guides
  • Fashion reviews
  • Fashion show coverage
  • Seasonal lookbooks
  • Fashion tips from brand ambassadors

Influencer marketing ideas for food brands

  • Recipe collaborations
  • Cooking tutorials
  • Product reviews
  • Innovative dishes contests
  • Cooking workshops
Food company content marketing tactics

7. Podcasting

Podcasting is a fun content marketing tool small business can use to provide value to a niche target audience and build a loyal following through unique audio content. According to a survey by Edison Research, 42% of Americans have listened to a podcast. That’s a lot of people!

The thing about podcasting is that it’s growing in popularity because of its easily consumable format. And the good news is, there are free and powerful tools available, like Spotify for Podcasters, that are easy to use even for beginners.

If you’re not sure what to talk about in your podcast, no worries! You can share industry news and trends, or even interview industry experts who can complement your offerings and provide tips and advice to add value to your audience. It’s one of the great content marketing tactics for small business to establish yourself as an authority in your industry and connect with your target audience in a meaningful way.

Benefits of podcasting 

  • Establishes your brand as an authority in your industry
  • Provides value to your audience in an easily consumable format
  • Reaches new audiences 
  • Builds a loyal following

Let’s look at some podcasting ideas for inspiration:

Podcasting ideas for travel agencies

  • Destination spotlights
  • Travel tips and hacks
  • Travel stories
  • Insider guides
  • Travel industry updates

Podcasting ideas for therapists

  • Mental health education
  • Expert interviews
  • Q&A sessions
  • Guided meditations and relaxation techniques
  • Personal growth and empowerment
Content marketing for medical practitioners

8. Social media 

Social media marketing is a type of digital marketing that connects you with your target audience through content sharing on social media. It is one of the most popular content marketing tactics for small business that you can use to increase awareness and visibility of your brand. 

One way to build a loyal following and reach new audiences is by regularly posting on your selected social media platform(s), or even doing real-time livestreams to interact with your fans. It’s a great way to engage with your audience and establish a meaningful connection with them.

You can try out a few different social media platforms to see how each one works, and then narrow down to focus on one (or two at max) that gives you the best results. This way, you can grow your audience faster and avoid spreading your time and resources too thin.

Benefits of social media 

  • Promotes and increases brand visibility
  • Interacts real-time with your audience
  • Builds a community of loyal fans 
  • Reaches new audiences 

Below are some social media ideas for your reference:

Social media ideas for figurine brands

  • Behind-the-scenes sneak peeks
  • Fan spotlights
  • Interactive polls and quizzes
  • Exclusive limited edition releases
  • Collaborations and giveaways

Social media ideas for software companies

  • Tutorial videos
  • Client success stories
  • Industry insights and news
  • User-generated content contests
  • Live Q&A sessions
Content marketing for SaaS startups

Read also: Maximize Your Sales Potential: Build an Ideal Client Profile Like a Pro

9. User-generated content

User-generated content is a marketing tactic to showcase your brand through content published by your customers based on their experiences with your brand. Over 93% of consumers claim to have been influenced by user-generated content in their buying decisions. That’s huge!

The great thing about user-generated content is that it’s created by your customers at no cost to you. By sharing user-generated content, you can increase your brand’s credibility, build trust with your audience, and develop a deeper connection with them through interaction, especially on social media.

One popular form of user-generated content is testimonials. You can use testimonials as a form of social proof to showcase your credibility and expertise. And the best part is, all you have to do is ask your customers nicely – they’ll be more than happy to help you out if they are genuinely happy with your products or services!

Read also: Boost Trust and Conversions: The Ultimate Guide to Testimonials on Website

Benefits of user-generated content 

  • Showcases your brand’s credibility and expertise
  • Builds trust with your audience and encourages them to do business with you
  • Provides social proof of your products or services
  • Can be used as a powerful sales tool

Check out the following user-generated content to get inspired:

User-generated content ideas for beauty brands

  • Makeup tutorials
  • Before and after transformations
  • Product reviews and recommendations
  • Makeup challenges and contests
  • Fan features

User-generated content ideas for healthcare companies

  • Patient testimonials
  • Wellness journey stories
  • Health tips and advice
  • Q&A sessions with healthcare experts
  • Awareness campaigns

10. Video marketing

Video marketing refers to the use of video content as a content marketing tactic to promote your brand and connect with your audience. And get this – a survey by Wyzowl found that 79% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service after watching a brand’s video. Pretty cool, huh?

The thing about videos is that they can engage your audience in a way that text and images just can’t. It’s a great way for small businesses to increase brand awareness and visibility.

If you aren’t sure where to start with video content, no worries! Product demos, how-to guides, and behind-the-scenes videos are all popular types of videos that customers love to watch. So why not give them a try? Who knows, you might just be the next viral sensation!

Benefits of video marketing 

  • Easy to grab people’s attention
  • 52% more likely to get shared on social media than other form of content
  • Keep people on your page longer
  • You can easily make videos on your iPhone 

Check out some great examples of content marketing tactics for small business using video marketing:

Video marketing ideas for restaurants

  • Cooking tutorials
  • Chef iInterviews and behind-the-scenes
  • Customer testimonials
  • Virtual food tours
  • Seasonal promotions and specials

Video marketing ideas for fitness studios

  • Seasonal promotions and specials
  • Client success stories
  • Virtual classes and livestreams
  • Wellness tips and advice
  • Behind-the-scenes studio tour
Content marketing for fitness coaches

Key takeaways

If you are looking to grow your small business by showcasing your expertise and establishing yourself as an authority in your industry, content marketing is definitely worth considering.

Content marketing tactics for small business are a cost-effective yet powerful way for any small business to reach their audience, build trust and grow a loyal following. They are a long-term strategy that can pay off in big ways over time. 

Just choose a format that you are comfortable with and start creating already! If you need more guidance on content marketing tactics for small business, I am happy to help! Let’s have a chat!

Bettina Lee
Bettina Lee

I partner with business owners to achieve sustainable success with my strategic marketing expertise.